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  1. One-Step Disinfectant: The perfect solution for Disinfecting
  2. One-Step Disinfectant: The perfect solution for Disinfecting

One-Step Disinfectant: The perfect solution for Disinfecting

Wilson Wholesale Supply

Wilson Wholesale Supply is proud to offer our customers ERADIK8-55, the perfect solution for disinfecting. This disinfectant comes in two sizes: 4x4L and 4×1.8L, making it ideal for use in hospitals, homes, schools, colleges, farms, kennels, hotels, and motels. ERADIK8-55 is perfect for use in high-touch areas such as door handles, light switches, keyboards, and phones. In addition, it leaves no harmful residue.

one step sanitizer

Worried about the spread of germs?

ERADIK8-55, a powerful disinfectant cleaner, is a perfect solution for many surfaces. It kills bacteria in just 5 minutes, making it ideal for Industrial, Institutional, Hospitals, Food Establishments, and Barn Premises Use.

Order a case ERADIK8-55 Cleaner today!

Germs are everywhere and can make us sick. It’s hard to avoid germs, especially when we’re in close contact with other people. Germs can be on door handles, in the air, on our phones- they’re just waiting to make us sick. ERADIK8-55 cleaner is a fresh solution for sanitizing surfaces and killing germs. It’s quick and easy to use on hard non porous surfaces.


onestep sanitizer


– Kills bacteria and viruses

-Prevents the spread of illness

– Fast and easy to use

– Reduces mildew growth

– Kills bacteria and viruses in just 5 minutes

– No need to rinse or wipe away the product

– Keep your customers and employees safe from harmful bacteria

– Feel confident that you’re doing everything possible to prevent the spread of germs.

– Air Dry



ERADIK8-55 is the perfect disinfectant for high touch areas in hospitals, homes, schools, colleges, farms, kennels, hotels and motels. It is a one-step cleaner that leaves no harmful residue and has a broad spectrum of activity. ERADIK8-55 is the perfect solution for many surfaces and is safe for use on food contact surfaces. Get ERADIK8-55 today to keep your environment clean and disinfected.

We could use hydrogen peroxide disinfectant wipes which usually remain wet for some time, and it is more work than using a 1-step disinfectant cleaner like ERADIK8-55. So You can either use a hand pump trigger sprayer or just mop it on direct contact with any hard non porous surfaces. There is NO pre cleaning step, just mop it on making sure to remove excess liquid and let it air dry.

Eradik8-55 4L

one step cleaner

USE Instructions – Follow complete directions

NOTE: To avoid excess foaming, pour water first or place dilution control system as close to the side of the container being filled. This is a concentrated product: DO NOT USE UNDILUTED AND DO NOT MIX WITH OTHER CLEANERS.

Pre-clean heavily soiled areas. Prepare a fresh solution for each use or when it is visibly dirty. For surfaces and/or objects that may come into direct contact with children at the mouthing stage of development, a rinse with potable water is recommended. This product is not to be used as a sterilant/high-level disinfectant on any surface or instrument that: (1) is introduced directly into the human body, either into or in contact with the bloodstream or normally sterile areas of the body, or (2) contacts intact mucous membranes but which does not ordinarily penetrate the blood barrier or otherwise enter normally sterile areas of the body. This product may be used to pre-clean or decontaminate critical or semi-critical medical devices prior to sterilization or high-level disinfection.

one step disinfectant


(non-critical medical devices, equipment & non porous hard surfaces): Plastic surfaces, Vinyl surfaces, stainless steel surfaces. From shower stalls to nursing homes General cleaning with no rinsing required ERADIK8-55 is up there with other TOP RATED cleaning products.

1) Dilute product.

2) Apply with a sprayer, cloth, mop or by flooding or immersion. Allow surface or item(s) to stay wet for 5 minutes. *10 minutes are required against Trichophyton interdigitale (Athlete’s foot).

3) Remove excess product or let air dry. Food contact surfaces or item(s) require rinsing with potable water.


PERSONAL PROTECTION: Disposable latex or vinyl gloves, gowns, face masks or eye coverings as appropriate, must be worn during all cleaning of blood/body fluids, and decontamination procedures.

CLEANING PROCEDURE: Blood/body fluids must be thoroughly cleaned from surfaces and objects before application of the disinfectant.

CONTACT TIME: five minutes.

INFECTIOUS MATERIALS DISPOSAL: Any materials used in the cleaning process that may contain blood or body fluids are to be disposed of immediately in accordance with local regulations for infectious materials disposal.

one step disinfectant


Repeat application at weekly intervals or when mildew growth returns.

1) Dilute product.

2) Apply with a sprayer, cloth, mop or by flooding or immersion. Allow surface or item(s) to stay wet for a minimum of 5 minutes.


1) Remove all animals and feeds from area. Remove all heavy soil, such as urine and fecal matter, from surfaces and objects. Empty all feeding and watering appliances.

2) Dilute product.

3) Apply with a sprayer, cloth, mop or by flooding or immersion. Allow surface or item(s) to stay wet for 5 minutes.

4) Ventilate area. Do not house animals or use equipment until product has dried. All surfaces and/or objects that are in contact with feed or drinking water should be rinsed with potable water before reuse.

one step sanitizer

SANITIZATION (non-food contact surfaces):

1) Dilute product.

2) Apply with sprayer applications, cloth, mop or by flooding or immersion. Allow surface or item(s) to remain wet for 15 seconds.

ERADIK8 RTU (Ready To Use)


Wilson Wholesale Supply

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One-Step Disinfectant: The perfect solution for Disinfecting

Wilson Wholesale Supply has the perfect solution for Disinfecting in the form of ERADIK8-55. This product comes in two sizes, 4x4L and 4×1.8L, making it ideal for hospitals, homes, schools, colleges, farms, kennels, and hotels. When used as directed, ERADIK8-55 is proven to reduce the spread of infection and illness-causing bacteria.



What is ERADIK8-55?

ERADIK8-55 is a 1-step disinfectant that comes in two sizes making it ideal for use in hospitals, homes, schools, colleges, farms, kennels, hotels and motels. With its broad spectrum of activity, ERADIK8-55 is perfect for use in high touch areas such as door handles, light switches, keyboards and phones. In addition, its unique formula is safe for use on food contact surfaces and leaves no harmful residue.

How long do I need to leave ERADIK8-55 on the surface before wiping it off?

ERADIK8-55 should be allowed to remain wet for 5 minutes before wiping off. For surfaces or items contaminated with blood or body fluids, 10 minutes are required against Trichophyton interdigitale (Athlete’s foot).

Can I use ERADIK8-55 on food contact surfaces?

ERADIK8-55 is safe for use on food contact surfaces. However, all surfaces and/or objects that are in contact with food or drinking water should be rinsed with potable water before reuse.

Is ERADIK8-55 effective against HIV-1, Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) and Hepatitis C Virus (HCV)?

Yes, when used as directed, ERADIK8-55 is effective against HIV-1, Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) and Hepatitis C Virus (HCV). For surfaces or items contaminated with blood or body fluids, 10 minutes are required against Trichophyton interdigitale (Athlete’s foot).

What are some of the other benefits of using ERADIK8-55?

In addition to its broad spectrum of activity, ERADIK8-55 is also non-toxic, non-irritating and leaves no harmful residue. It is perfect for use in high touch areas such as door handles, light switches, keyboards and phones.


Amount: 4x4L
Product Code: 2455278001

Amount: 4×1.8L
Product Code: 2455257001

Wilson Wholesale Supply is proud to offer our customers ERADIK8-55, A One-Step Disinfectant Cleaner and Sanitizer. This versatile product is a concentrated, one-step, 5-minute contact time, quaternary-based cleaner disinfectant that provides broad spectrum disinfection at 1:128 dilution. This saves you time, labor, and cost while also performing as a bactericide, it’s a deodorizer and a fifteen second sanitizer. This product also kills SARS Associated Coronavirus and is likely to kill SARS-CoV-2 (the virus that causes COVID-19), making it ideal for use in hospitals, nursing homes, schools and colleges, animal housing areas, farm premises, and hotels. Plus, it’s specially formulated to be non-dulling to floor finishes and contains no phosphorous or non-only phenol ethoxylate (NPE) detergents. Order your ERADIK8-55 today! Wilson Wholesale Supply – Your #1 source for all your cleaning needs!

ERADIK8-55 Facts Sheet

Wilson Wholesale Supply

Click Here To Check Out ERADIK8-RTU

Blog:> Sani Stuff No Rinse Sanitizer: Keep Your Floors Clean and Sanitary

Wilson Wholesale Supply

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